#!/usr/bin/env python # ============================================================================= # mved - an editor-focused multiple file move utility # $Id: mved,v 1.13 2005/09/13 21:41:30 stsp Exp $ # ============================================================================= from os import system, rename, remove, getenv, getpid, \ read, write, close, fsync, lseek, getcwd, remove from os.path import expanduser, isfile, isdir, abspath, islink from sys import argv, exit, stdout, stderr from getopt import getopt, GetoptError from tempfile import mkstemp, NamedTemporaryFile from time import sleep version = '1.2' LICENSE="""\ Copyright 2003-2005 Stefan Sperling Copyright 2004 by Neels Janosch Hofmeyr Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR ANY CONTRIBUTERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ DIRECTIONS="""\ - Directions - * mved loads a list of filenames into your favourite text editor. You can then edit the filenames conveniently. * You can move files to other directories by prepending a new path to the filename. A leading tilde (eg ~/foo) is replaced with your home directory. * When you are done you save the file and mved renames and/or moves all the files according to your changes. * To discard your changes, simply exit the editor without saving the file. Note: Circular renaming is handled by moving one file to a temporary filename. This would be in the current working directory, so make sure you have write access. For large files, stay on the same storage device. mved is based on an idea by Neels Janosch Hofmeyr [http://binarchy.net/bergmann/] """ editor = getenv('EDITOR') if not editor: editor = getenv('VISUAL') if not editor: editor = '/usr/bin/vi' # enter default editor here USAGE="""\ Usage: mved [options] [file1 file2 ...] Options: -h, --help Print detailed help and license. -e , --editor Editor to use. The default editor is %s. This can be changed by setting the EDITOR environment variable. -f, --force overwrite existing files.""" % editor def giveup(message): """ print an error message to stderr and exit. """ stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n' % message) exit(1) def warn(message): """ print a warning message to stderr. """ stderr.write('WARNING: %s\n' % message) def usage(long = 0): """ print usage information. """ print 'mved %s - an editor-focused multiple file move utility' % version if long: print LICENSE print DIRECTIONS print USAGE def getoptions(): """ get options. returns a list of all non-option arguments. """ global editor, force try: options, args = getopt(argv[1:], 'he:f', ['help', 'editor=','force']) except GetoptError, e: giveup(str(e) + ", try 'mved --help' for more information.") for opt, arg in options: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage(long = 1) exit(0) if opt in ('-e', '--editor'): editor = arg if opt in ('-f', '--force'): force = 1 return args def edit(oldnames): """ let user edit a list of filenames. returns a list containing the new filenames. """ def discardempty(list): """ returns a clone of list with empty elements removed. """ out = [] for item in list: if item: out.append(item) return out tmpfd, tmpfilename = mkstemp() try: for name in oldnames: write(tmpfd, '%s\n' % name) fsync(tmpfd) except IOError, e: giveup("%s: %s", (tmpfilename, str(e))) # warn user if EDITOR is not an absolute path if editor != abspath(editor): warn("EDITOR (" + editor \ + ") is not an absolute path. This is a security risk.\n") ret = system('%s %s' % (editor, tmpfilename)) if ret == 0: # editor exited gracefully try: newnames = readlines(tmpfd) close(tmpfd) remove(tmpfilename) except OSError, e: giveup("%s: %s", (tmpfilename, str(e))) except IOError, e: giveup("%s: %s", (tmpfilename, str(e))) for i in range(len(newnames)): newnames[i] = newnames[i].strip('\n') newnames = discardempty(newnames) # throw out empty lines if len(newnames) == len(oldnames): return newnames else: giveup('Numbers of new and old filenames differ.') else: try: remove(tmpfilename) except IOError, e: warn("Could not remove %s: %s", (tmpfilename, str(e))) giveup('Editor exited ungracefully.') def readlines(fd): """ returns a list of all lines in file descriptor fd. """ out = [] str = '' lseek(fd, 0, 0) while True: ch = read(fd, 1) if ch == '': if str: out.append(str) break if ch != '\n': str += ch elif str: out.append(str) str = '' return out class ExistenceChecker: "layer to decouple filename existence checking from the Renamer." def exists(self, filename): return self.isfile(filename) or self.isdir(filename) def isfile(self, filename): return isfile(filename) def isdir(self, dirname): return isdir(dirname) class Renamer: "manages the connections between the RenamingNode items." null = -1 def __init__(self): self.list = [] self.existencechecker = ExistenceChecker() def size(self): return len(self.list) def add(self, fromfile, tofile): # print "checking in %s -> %s " (fromfile, tofile) # find occurences fromindex = self.findfileindex(fromfile) if fromindex == Renamer.null: # print "creating %s " % fromfile self.list.append(RenamingNode(fromfile)) fromindex = self.findfileindex(fromfile) toindex=self.findfileindex(tofile) if toindex == Renamer.null: # print "creating %s" % tofile self.list.append(RenamingNode(tofile)) toindex = self.findfileindex(tofile) if self.list[fromindex].tofile != Renamer.null: giveup("file name appears twice as source: %s" % self.list[fromindex].filename) if self.list[toindex].fromfile != Renamer.null: giveup("file name appears twice as destination: %s" % self.list[toindex].filename) self.list[toindex].fromfile = self.list[fromindex] self.list[fromindex].tofile = self.list[toindex] def findfileindex(self,filename): for x in range(len(self.list)): if self.list[x].filename == filename: return x return Renamer.null def renamingsequence(self): self.sequence = [] while len(self.list) > 0: again = 0 for i in self.list: i.seen = 0 for x in range(len(self.list)): if self.list[x].fromfile != Renamer.null: again = 1 self.execute(self.list[x]) break if again == 0: break return self.sequence def settofile(self, of, tofile): if of.tofile != Renamer.null: of.tofile.fromfile = Renamer.null of.tofile = Renamer.null if tofile != Renamer.null: self.setfromfile(tofile, Renamer.null) of.tofile = tofile tofile.fromfile = of def setfromfile(self, of, fromfile): if of.fromfile != Renamer.null: of.fromfile.tofile = Renamer.null of.fromfile = Renamer.null if fromfile != Renamer.null: self.settofile(fromfile, Renamer.null) of.fromfile = fromfile fromfile.tofile = of def remove(self, file): self.setfromfile(file, Renamer.null) self.settofile(file, Renamer.null) self.list.remove(file) def execute(self,to): # print "running execute('%s', '%s')" % (frm.filename, to.filename) if to == Renamer.null: return now = to # find the end of the renaming chain while now.tofile != Renamer.null: now.seen = 1 now = now.tofile if now.seen > 0: # create a temporary file name to break a circular renaming # file must be on the same filesystem! tmpfd, tmpfilename = mkstemp(dir=getcwd()) close(tmpfd) if isfile(tmpfilename): remove(tmpfilename) tmpnode = RenamingNode(tmpfilename) wasto = now.tofile self.list.append(tmpnode) self.setfromfile(tmpnode, now) self.execute(tmpnode) self.list.append(tmpnode) self.settofile(tmpnode, wasto) return # re-iterate # 'now' is now the last renaming in its chain (now.tofile == null) # run down the renamings starting with `now' while now.fromfile != Renamer.null: now = now.fromfile # print "moving %s ==> %s" (now.filename, now.tofile.filename) self.sequence.append(SequenceNode(now.filename, now.tofile.filename)) self.remove(now.tofile) def checkrenamings(self, force): errors = "" for i in self.list: if force == 0 and i.fromfile != Renamer.null \ and i.tofile == Renamer.null \ and self.existencechecker.exists(i.filename): errors += "\n * will not overwrite: %s (%s -> %s)" \ % (i.filename, i.fromfile.filename, i.filename) if i.tofile != Renamer.null \ and (not self.existencechecker.exists(i.filename)): errors += "\n ** file does not exist: %s (%s -> %s)" \ % (i.filename, i.filename, i.tofile.filename) if errors != "": giveup("nothing renamed because of the following conflicts: " + errors + "\n(check out option -f, --force)") class RenamingNode: "saves renamings for a certain filename in both directions." def __init__(self, filename): self.fromfile = Renamer.null self.tofile = Renamer.null self.filename = filename self.seen = 0 class SequenceNode: "a node of a list returned by Renamer.renamingsequence()" def __init__(self, frm, to): self.frm = frm self.to = to def symlinkvimbug(): tmpdir = getenv('TMPDIR') if not tmpdir: return if islink(tmpdir) and 'vim' in editor: warn("TMPDIR (" + tmpdir + ") is a symlink, and your editor is vim.\n" + "mved may behave as if you hadn't changed a single filename.\n" + "The cause of this bug is unkown. A workaround is to either make sure\n" + "that TMPDIR is not a symlink, or using another editor, e.g. by aliasing\n" + "mved as 'mved -e '.\n") for i in range(9, 0, -1): stdout.write("Continuing in %i seconds\r" % i) stdout.flush() sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(argv[1:]) < 1: usage() exit(1) oldnames = getoptions() # getoptions returns all non-option args symlinkvimbug() force = 0 ignore = [] for i in range(len(oldnames)): if not (isfile(oldnames[i]) or isdir(oldnames[i])): warn('Ignoring %s: No such file or directory.' % oldnames[i]) ignore.append(i) for i in ignore: del oldnames[i]; if not oldnames: giveup('No files to rename.') newnames = edit(oldnames) dochange = 0 dontchange = 0 renamer = Renamer() exists = ExistenceChecker() renamer.existencechecker = exists for new, old in zip(newnames, oldnames): if old != new: renamer.add(old, new) dochange += 1 else: dontchange += 1 if dochange == 1: msg = '1 filename changes, ' else: msg = '%i filenames change, ' % dochange if dontchange == 1: msg += '1 does not' else: msg += '%i do not' % dontchange print msg renamer.checkrenamings(force) sequence = renamer.renamingsequence() for i in sequence: try: print "moving %s -> %s " % (i.frm, i.to) if force == 0 and exists.exists(i.to): sched = "" for i in sequence: sched += "\n%s -> %s" % (i.frm, i.to) print "error detected. moving schedule was: %s " % sched giveup("will not overwrite %s\n** RENAMING INTERRUPTED **" \ % i.to) rename(i.frm, expanduser(i.to)) except OSError, e: sched = "" for i in sequence: sched += "\n%s -> %s" % (i.frm, i.to) print "error detected. moving schedule was: %s" % sched giveup("Could not rename %s to %s: %s\n** RENAMING INTERRUPTED **" \ % (i.frm, i.to, e)) exit(0) # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4